hi, my name's fred, based in the great 254. i write code and do art things.
      i'm grateful to be alive
is the country code for kenya. great place to live, but there's lots we need to fix.
      my hope is that i can be part of the process.
for fun and for a living. i'm particularly interested in people making meaningful changes in their communities. stuff: learning low-level stuff as I learn rust. its been a wealth of knxwledge.
      i'm also currently reading understanding software dynamics by robert sikes.
as a web dev building resilient, reliable and performant systems with laravel, vuejs and mysql
      worked mostly with startups, including one of my own at a point
i make music sometimes, when my heart's a mess mostly.
      i also write sometimes, when my mind's a mess.
            i've also recorded music things for some of my kenyan musician friends